Ten ten Chew 120 Tab Tenten Strawberry Flavor Kids Vitamin Tall Child Children Kid


17 in stock

Tenten chewable 120 tablets (1 box)


17 in stock

Tenten Chewable 120 Tablets
Free Tracking Number Provided~!!!!
#tenten, #chew, #chewable, #kids, #vitamin, #mineral, #child, #children, #strawberry
#individually, #wrapped, #wrapping, #natural, #pigment, #caramel, #children’snutrition
Ingredients: vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B7, B12, C, D, E, Mg, CoQ10 with strawberry flavor
Directions : from 36 months to less than 8 years old – 1 tablet 2 times a day.
                      Ages 8 and older – 2 tablets twice a day.
  • Package: 1 box (120 chew tablets)
  • Expiration Date: 2 years after production – Latest one will be shipped.
Before taking this, please consult with a doctor or a pharmacist, if you are sensitive for allergy reaction etc. 
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