Jeju Harubang Chocolate Tangerine Mandarin Cactus Green Tea Hanlabong Wild Berry


98 in stock

Jeju Harubang Chocolates 5 Box
Made in Jeju island, Korea South.


98 in stock

Jeju Harubang Chocolates 5 Box
Made in Jeju island, Korea South.

Harubang is famous character in Jeju. You can enjoy 5 kinds of Jeju Harubang chocolates (Mandarin, Cactus, Halabong, Green tea, Wild berry). It is good desert with tea or coffee in special day.

Package : Jeju chocolate 48g x 5 box(240g, 1375 kcal)
Made in Korea South
Latest one will be shipped.
#Jejutravel, #jejuisland, #puregreentea, #greenteachocolate, #nicechocolate #crunchchocolate
#crunkychocolate, #presentchocolate, #everybodylikeschocolate, #koreatraditionalchocolate
#hallabongchocolate, #tangerinechocolate, #greenteachocolate, #darkchocolate, #cactuschocolate
#valentine’sdaypresent #whitedaypresent #uniquechocolategiftforfriends

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