Circuroxin 120 Tab Ginkgo Biloba 120mg Ildong Korea Circulocin Circuloxin EGB


20 in stock

Circuroxin 120 Tablets (Gikgo biloba dry extract)


20 in stock

Circuroxin 120 Tablets #EGB 120mg
Ildong Pharmaceutical Corporation in South Korea.
Free Tracking Number Provided~!!!!


Circuroxin including Gikgo biloba dry extract 120mg

Directions : 1 tablet once or twice a day for over 13 years old
Package: 1 box (120 tablets)
Expiration Date: 2 years after production – Latest one will be shipped.

Before taking this, please consult with a doctor or a pharmacist, if you are sensitive for allergy reaction etc.

#circuloxin, #circuroxin, #circulocin, #egb, #ginkgo, #biloba, #blood, #circulation

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