Duolac Moms Femine Probiotics (30 days)


100 in stock

Duolac Moms 1 Box (500mg x 30 Capsules)


100 in stock

Duolac Moms 1 Box (500mg x 30 Capsules)
Probiotics for Pregnant Woman, Nursing, Before Pregnancy
Cellbiotech made in Korea South
500mg x 30 cap. for about 30 days.
How to take : 1 cap. once a day.
Expiration Date: 2 years -Latest one will be shipped.
#Duolacprobiotics #duolacdrop #nursingmomprobiotics
#cellbiotech #newprobiotics #nutraprobiotics #pregnancyconstipation
#babyprobiotics #koreafoodsupplement #pregnantwomanprobiotics

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